April 18 reading

Proverbs 13: 11 
Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.


 How true yet again! Despite this nugget of powerful truth being admonished by scripture, people still fall for get rich quick scheme. What could be the underlying reasons? Is it laziness? Complacency?
For me failure to use your God given talent is direct failure to harness ones life therefore would ultimately lead to poverty.
Too sweeping maybe? Thats my hardcore belief. Here’s why =
1. If a guy or girl is naturally talented in one area, he or she is capable to do what no one else does.
2. If he is capable to do what no one else does, that is his niche.
3. At some point someone would notice what he does best.
4. Naturally that someone may end up buying his service or products.
5. This leads to full utilization of the 1st persons talent.
6. And this renders for the other person to consume  a
best in class service and product.
7. And in the process becomes a win win situation for both of them.
Sounds ideal? Maybe.
Is there a place where such is practiced?


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